Today, as we put together the fall breeding groups, I was reminded of an important reason we choose AGH over other hog breeds - ease of management.
Two gilts needed ear tags. One because she lost her original tag and the other because I had not yet decided whether she would make the breeding line up. She definitely made the grade.
Now it is quite easy to scoop up a tiny piglet and apply an ear tag. There is, however, no "scooping" that can be done with a 130+ lb, yearling gilt. Turns out I need not have worried at all. Those two just stood there and let us tag them. No drama. No noise. What a relief. I could have kissed them.
Litters should arrive sometime in September/October. Here is our fall 2020 breeding line up:
CMG Beatrix Potter x Flint and Steel Sam Adams
CMG Judy Bloom x CMG Charles Dickens
CMG Inga Moore x CMG Charles Dickens (reserved for purchase after breeding)
CMG Laura Ingalls Wilder x CMG Charles Dickens (reserved for purchase after breeding)