All boars must be calm and easily managed. They must peacefully co-exist with our other farm animals. Aggression is not tolerated.

Flint and Steel
Sam Adams
Born April 2017
Sam came to us from Flint and Steel Farm in New York and boy is he handsome. We like his very nice length, ideal snout length, and excellent feet. His excellent temperament makes him a delight to manage. He was a real crowd-pleaser at the 2018 Mother Earth News Fair in Frederick, Maryland.
Breeding Plans: Sam will be bred with CMG Beatrix Potter in January 2021.

CMG Leo Tolstoy
Born November 2017
Our homegrown boar, Leo, is the son of Sahib and Madeline. He is an extremely good-natured, stout guy with a pleasant face, great length, and nice width. All his offspring have his good temperament.
Breeding Plans: As of January 2021, Leo is in a breeding paddock with JWM Big Sky.

CMG Charles Dickens
Born February 2019
Charlie is the result of an intentional line breeding of JWM Big Sky back to her father, Ingleside Clyde (our original boar). From this pairing, we got just what we wanted. A beautiful, hefty boar with a great top line, medium length snout, and an incredibly long torso. He will be the foundation of our "Clyde Type" line.
Breeding Plans: Charlie will be bred to HPF Janice Joplin and CMG Erma Bombeck in January 2021.

Boars that have contributed to our lines but no longer live on our farm.

Fred Astaire
Born March 2013
Fred is a big, easy going guy. His hefty hams, strong back, long torso, and well-balanced frame. His offspring grow faster and larger than average. This is true even when bred to mid-sized sows.
Fred's genes can be found in several of our sows and one of our young boars, so he has moved on to a new farm in Virginia.

JWM Borg
August 2017
Borg is a son of our former (and first) boar, Ingleside Clyde, and Wendy McDaniels' blue sow, "Bleu." Borg is long, level, stands on perfect patterns, and has that bit of extra leg length we appreciate.
He was sold to a farm in Virginia as we have retained a gilt from his breeding with CMG Lacey Dancer (a Clyde daughter) and a gilt from his sister JWM Big Sky.

BKF Cedric Diggory
Born May 2018
Cedric is the grandson of two of our favorite hogs - Ingleside Bonnie and Stanfield's Fred Astaire. He has good size, a nice strong topline, a well-balanced frame, a leaner body type, brisk movements, and a beautiful face. He produces piglets with a strong topline and good feet.
He has moved on to a farm in Virginia.