Farm goal is for a minimum of 85% of the live piglets farrowed to be raised to weaning age.
Low first litter survival percentages and poor survival under unique farrowing circumstances are forgiven.

CMG Erma Bombeck
Born September 2016
Raised to Weaning = 87%
Erma is a Bonnie/Fred daughter that was retained for breeding. She is the largest sow on the farm. Erma is long, level, and lean with more of a bacon-hog body type. Erma is a very large AGH sow with tremendous length who likes to sing when being scratched. She consistently produces the largest, fastest-growing offspring on the farm.
Breeding Plans: Erma will be bred to CMG Charles Dickens in January 2021.

JWM Big Sky
Born August 2017
Raised to Weaning = 75%
Sky came to us in November 2018 from the McDaniel's farm in Texas. She is a littermate to our former boar JWM Borg and a daughter of our first boar, Ingleside Clyde. Sky was brought in (bred back to her father) to help us as we work to solidify a "Clyde-Type" line of American Guinea Hogs. She is a great girl, not too needy, calm-even tempered, and is easily contained in the electric mesh fencing.
Breeding Plans: Sky was put in with CMG Leo Tolstoy in January 2021.

HPF Janice Joplin
Born April 2019
Raised to Weaning = 60%
Janice is a product of our former sow and boar, ROF Dusty and BKF Cedric Diggory. She was the female we picked from the litter as part of Dusty's sales agreement. Janice has Cedric's long torso and legs and Dusty's nice feet and topline.
Her first litter weaning stats are not what we would like but since this was her first litter, she gets a pass.
Breeding Plans: Janice will be bred to CMG Charles Dickens in February 2021.

CMG Beatrix Potter
Born April 2019
Raised to Weaning = 60%
Beatrix is a product of an intentional line breeding between CMG Lacey Dancer and her half brother, JWM Borg. She has the shorter snout of both her dam and grandsire, a very long torso, nice width and depth through her hams, and maintains condition (even while nursing a litter) on very little feed.

Sows that have contributed to our lines but no longer live on our farm.

Ingleside Bonnie
Born April 2011
Bonnie was our first AGH sow. She came to us in April of 2014 and in August farrowed with a litter of 12 piglets of which 11 were raised to weaning. She was long, level, extremely large, and simply the best mother ever. She passed unexpectedly while living on a friend's farm. Her daughter, Erma, is the largest sow in our herd.

Soggy Top Eleanor
Born March 2011
Eleanor was a mid-sized, well-balanced Guinea Hog with a quiet demeanor, and gentle nature. Among the other sows, Eleanor was definitely in charge. She maintained her body weight well while nursing without requiring large amounts of additional feed. Her litters were well cared for and her offspring inherited their mother's quiet, calm demeanor and taste for hay.

CMG Lacey Dancer
Born September 2015
Dancer was a rare blue guinea hog. Dancer's disposition was quite pleasant and she passed that on to her offspring. At one time She was a steely blue color. As she matured, her coat reverted back to nearly all black with just a frosting of grey across her shoulders and torso. She was quite the hit at the 2019 Mother Earth News Fair in Frederick, Maryland.
Her daughter, CMG Beatrix Potter has been retained in our herd.

CMG Amelia Earheart
Born May 2016
Amelia was not a large sow, but like her mother, Eleanor, and her sire, Sahib, she had tremendous length and beautiful width throughout. While she threw many very nice piglets, she also threw a good number of piglets with weak toplines so she was removed from the breeding lineup. We are working hard to develop lines that produce consistently-nice litters.

Old Beach
Setty Madeline
Born April 2011
Madeline is a result of intensive line breeding on two of the American Guinea Hog founders, Setty Houdini and Setty Rose. She possesses a wonderful structure and temperament. Because she is so beautiful and easy going, we took Madeline with us to the Mother Earth News Fair in Seven Springs Pennsylvania. She was a wonderful Ambassador for the breed and won everyone's hearts - especially those of the children.
She now lives on Timberhaven farm in Massachusetts. We have retained Madeline's son, CMG Leo Tolstoy.
ROF Dusty
Born March 2011
Direct from New England, is oh so long bodied with a lovely top line and tail set. Gentle as they come. She is quite a talker and has a very deep bass voice. She puts nice feet on her offspring.
Dusty was sold bred and we have retained the pick of that litter, HPF Janice Joplin.
She now lives with Jesse White and his family on a beautiful farm in Northern Virginia.